Thursday, February 2, 2012


My day job is actually being an owner of one of the famous performance tuning shops in the city, doing set ups for people who want their cars to go faster or to go racing (eyes rolling or a collective huhwa??) Unbeknownst to most people, high fashion and high octane motorsports are inextricably joined at the hip. Just look the at proliferation of models during a car show. Alright, not exactly the best example, but if you have ever been to a luxury car launch such as the events done by Mercedes Benz, Audi or Lexus, attendees make an effort to come in their best attire, men and women.

Well most of us don't have Benzes or bimmers in our garages (we don't), that doesn't mean we let the fashion side of things fall aside.

This particular coat I picked up at 40% from the Penshoppe sale in Megamall, since they were renovating the main store at the ground floor Bldg A, hey I like a good deal as much as the next person. Good they had one last medium sized coat and i immediately bought it after trying it on. The cut and length was right, the shoulder was in the right place, and that all important mid curvature was there when you button it up.

The inner shirt is from Arrow, and I'm a firm believer that real men can wear and pull off pink quite nicely. If there are guys who read this, the wheels on our new Hyundai Sonata are 18" gunmetal Rota P1s shod with 225/40 R18 Kumho Ecsta tires, just in case your curious.

Like almost everyone who lives in Metro Manila, we have all visited our favorite tiange to buy bootleg DVDs, games, and the multitudes of stalls selling shoes is hard to miss. While I generally make it a rule to buy original stuff (they sure fit a lot better and last waaayyyyy longer) I picked these up for a mere P400. Ii won't recommend them as everyday wear since the sole isn't that comfy, but for the occasional night out, pwede na.

An oft neglected accessory for guys is the ubiquitous belt, especially now that having your shirt tucked in is tantamount to telling the whole world that your a dork. But in reality, having your shirt untucked is a cheap and easy way of concealing that big flabby tummy. While I do have my share of tummy issues, I can still wear my shirt tucked into my pants, and I especially love this T&M belt that's actually an eye searing red on the other side.

The Sonata is actually my dad's car. As for me I drive a mildly modified 2001 Honda Accord 2.3L, it maybe a 10 year old car but still looks damn good with the classic low and long body style. Plus its big, roomy and its an automatic! Yea I'm lazy that way.

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